ARY Digital's much awaited drama serial "Pehli Si Mohabbat" which premiered on 23rd January failed to receive expected response. ARY Digital choose the Saturday slot because of less competition as Geo doesn't air any fresh content and Mushk hardly recieves good ratings. Also, Popular faces Maya Ali and Sheheryar Munawar Siddiqui make a comeback to television with this series. But Geo played it well when Fitrat was aired on the same slot for two hours. As We all know, Fitrat is leading the charts and keep the audience hooked with its twist and turns. And in a result, comebacks failed to impress the audience and Fitrat lead the slot with 9.9 TRPs. Pehli Si Mohabbat recieved 3.4 which is huge disappointment for channel as well. Even on YouTube, Fitrat Episode 87 has more views than Pehli Si Mohabbat's first Episode. Was replacing Log Kia Kahenge and airing Pehli Si Mohabbat at that slot wrong strategy?